Janis Ruise Ministries is a Christ-centered ministry that serves and ministers to all with a concentration on women and children. This will be accomplished through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, providing a united, holistic, evangelical action in praise, worship, fellowship, prayer, and evangelism.
Janis Ruise Ministries is committed to encouraging and equipping believers as well as non-believers with a knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, in order to strengthen an existing relationship and or initiate a non-existing relationship with Him, by modeling our own relationship with Christ. This will enable them to follow a never changing Savior in an ever changing world.
Janis Ruise Ministries will honor God by reaching out to a diverse population with a worthwhile faith, developing and encouraging men, women, and children to be firmly founded in the truths of His Holy Word and to impact their families, their Church, and their community for Christ so that others cannot ignore the love of God.
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." - II Timothy 2:15
"Janis Ruise Ministries was able to donate two computers and clothing to a local woman's shelter due to the kindness of a friend and supporter of the ministry."
The whole conference was well put together everything was organized and very prompt. Great job to the entire staff!!! Everything was wonderful. It was worth driving from North Carolina to attend this conference.
- Stephanie Hall, North Carolina
Everything that took place was and will always be a memorable part of my life and the life of those around me. These conferences are indescribable. No words to define what God has and is doing in and for this ministry.
- Barbara Thompson, New Jersey
Would love more days for the conference. Most memorable moments were seeing my sisters being delivered and getting saved, accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior. The young people and the musicians.
- Carolyn Etheridge, Pennsylvania
I always enjoy attending this conference. I look forward to it every year. Time just goes by too fast. The information provided by all of the professionals during the workshops was so valuable. The Holy Ghost just moved so freely and to be with sisters from so many denominations, backgrounds and different parts of the country was just so awesome.
- Christine Irving, Florida